The Greatness of the Prayer of the Prophet Khidir and Surah Al-Waqi’ah

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The Greatness of the Prayer of the Prophet Khidir and Surah Al-Waqi'ah


Muslimcreed – When practicing the Prayer of the Prophet
Khidir, it can also be accompanied by Surat Al-Waqiah which is known to have
the virtue of facilitating sustenance. 

In addition, by practicing Surah
Al-Waqiah there will also be some miracles, as follows.

1. Verse of a thousand dinars

People often refer to Surah Al Waqiah as
the verse of a thousand dinars. Because it is considered as an opener of
sustenance if it is practiced every day.

2. Keep away from poverty

A great reward will be obtained by someone
who reads the letter Al Waqiah every night. In addition to reading regularly,
it can keep a person from poverty for the rest of his life.

Moreover, by reading the Makiyyah letter 14
times after performing the Asr prayer or sitting in one sitting, the wealth
obtained by that person will be abundant.

3. Bringing intercession on the Day of

4. Be made a generous rich

In order for someone to become a rich
person, it is safe from this Al Waqiah letter to be read 3 times after
completing the dawn prayer.

5. Teach the science of monotheism

In the letter Al Waqiah it does not
directly explain the verse about wealth, sustenance and the like. However, this
surah teaches about monotheism which makes a person believe in Allah SWT.

6. Provided peace

The procedure for the practice of the
Prophet Khidr’s prayer, as follows:

– Prepare a container made of clay.

– Fill the container with rainwater that
falls directly from the sky, without being blocked by tiles, leaves, and

– Fast for seven days and every night take
the water in the container then read the Prophet Khidr’s prayer 3333 times,
then blow it into the water.

The water that has been prayed for with the
prayer of the Prophet Khidr can be drunk everyday. And it is also used to break
the 7-day sunnah fast. With the permission of Allah SWT, whoever practices it
with sincere intentions for the sake of Allah alone will get brain

The Importance of Prayer According to Islam

1. Worship

The main purpose of prayer is to worship
Allah SWT and worship is obligatory for Muslims. Worship itself is the noblest
thing that can be done and shown to Allah SWT.

2. Put your trust in Allah

Another virtue of praying is as proof that
we put our trust in Allah SWT. With us as diverse people who pray to Allah SWT,
we have submitted everything that happens in life to Allah SWT.

3. Showing the power of God

Prayer in Islam can show the power of Allah
SWT. Therefore, another virtue of prayer is to show that only Allah SWT is the

By praying, it means that we as Muslims
have realized that Allah SWT has given us all the pleasures and accepted all
our repentance.

4. Increase piety

Praying is the same as interacting with
Allah SWT or communicating with Him. So that people who pray will get closer to
Allah SWT. The way to increase faith and piety to Allah SWT is to get closer to
Allah SWT. So it is recommended for Muslims to balance all the efforts in the
world by praying.

5. To keep disaster away

Praying to Allah SWT is also done to ask
for help so that they are always kept away from disasters in any form. However,
there is one thing that needs to be known that the prayer that we pray can
actually be postponed and replaced with something else which according to Allah
SWT is much better than what was asked for.

6. To be kept away from the wrath of Allah

According to a hadith, Allah will feel
angry if we as his people never ask or pray to Him. Therefore, so that we do
not make Allah SWT angry, we must pray and ask Him.

7. The heart becomes calm

Another way to make our hearts calm is one
of them by praying. Whatever we are going through and feeling, pray for the
heart to be much calmer. Praying in Islam is believed to be a way so that
humans can live in this world and in the hereafter peacefully.

8. To be kept away from the estuary

Praying is also a way for mankind in Islam
to keep away from harm and find the door of mercy from Allah SWT.

9. Can know Allah SWT

With us as Muslims praying, we can know
Allah SWT well from what we have prayed for and Allah SWT has given. The prayer
that is said is a form of our belief in Allah SWT that He is the Most
Sufficient and Most Loving.

10. Eliminate despair

For those of you who feel that while in
this world you have experienced despair and feel unable to finish it, then
pray. Allah SWT will listen to the complaints of his sincere people. Rest
assured with strong faith that Allah SWT will help you and eliminate that
despair and provide the best solution to the problems you are experiencing.

11. As gratitude

By praying means we are also grateful for
what has been given by Allah SWT. When we get abundant sustenance and
enjoyment, be grateful and keep praying so that good things can always come to
us. With gratitude that we often mention, we will get closer to Allah SWT.

That is the prayer of the Prophet Khidir
that can be read when we feel we are getting difficulties and calamities given
by Allah SWT. Hopefully those who are having a wish or wish come true soon,
don’t forget to keep praying.