Hostility in the view of Islam and its 3 forms of trigger

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Hostility in the view of Islam and its 3 forms of trigger

Hostility in the view of Islam and its 3 forms of trigger

A Muslim with another Muslim are brothers, so there should not be hatred that takes root in them, long-standing hostility, and jealousy that undermines their morals. Islam is mercy or in its famous (red.famous) language, it is love. So there is no day without love, and the practice of that love is a practice until death picks up. Therefore, pay attention to some verses of the Qur’an and the words of the apostles relating to the dangers and prohibitions against mutual hatred, enmity and envy.

Many hadiths are included in this chapter.

Chapter Content:

1. Muslims are forbidden to hate each other because of lust not because of Allah. Because Allah has made them friends and brothers who love one another, not hate one another.

2. The Muslims are prohibited from being envious and evil. Therefore, do not envy each other. Envy is a trait that already exists in human nature. That is, a human hates when some of his virtues are defeated by someone who is on the same level as him. After that, humans are divided into three groups:

  • Among them there are those who try to take away the favors of the envious by doing evil to him, either by word or deed.
  • Someone is trying to transfer the favor to him.
  • And there are also those who try to take away the favor of the person without transferring the favor to himself and this is a trait of envy that is worse than the two previous traits. This kind of envy is a despicable trait that is forbidden and this is a sin that has been committed by the devil which is cursed by Allah.

3. It is forbidden to be hostile to each other, cut off relations and boycott for more than three days because of world affairs. Because this is a barrier to the ascent of one’s practice and entry to heaven.

4. Contrary to the past, the commandment to be brothers and sisters for the sake of Allah and unite in the manhaj of Allah. Therefore, Allah gives this favor to His servants by making them brotherly, because it is the strongest, best, and most solid rope of faith.

The Danger of Hostility and 3 Forms of Its Trigger According to Al-Ghazali

One day Akhnas bin Syarik came to see the Messenger of Allah. In the presence of the Prophet, Akhnas declared faith and accepted Islam. However, in the middle of the road, after meeting the Prophet, Akhnas actually caused chaos, destroying crops, livestock, and Muslim assets. It turned out that Akhnas really hated the Messenger of Allah and his companions. Then the word of Allah swt came down in Q.S Al-Baqarah: 204.

The trigger for hostility

Hostility like that of Akhnas is a great crime. According to Imam Ghazali, enmity is the root and root of all evil. Hostility is not an ordinary evil or evil, but a great evil that incurs a curse.

Crimes resulting from hostilities are generally committed in three forms. First, slander and lies (al-ta’dzib). People who are involved in hostilities tend to spread slander and blow the trumpet of lies to their enemies. Because they are seen as enemies, the prophets and apostles of Allah are always slandered and lied to.

Second, physical torture (al-adza). This kind of torture is often carried out by unjust rulers against their political opponents. Because they were seen as enemies, they were arrested, kidnapped, and tortured. In the history of Islam, people who believed in the Prophet were also tortured and persecuted, such as the inhumane torture that befell the companions of Bilal al-Habsyi and the family of ‘Ammar ibn Yasir.

Third, murder (al-qatl). Hostilities often lead to murder and bloodshed. In ancient times, many prophets were killed, some of them were even sawed off. Ashab al-Kahf was chased to be killed. Meanwhile Ashab al Ukhdud was burned alive. Kafir Quraish has also agreed to kill the Prophet Muhammad. However, Allah SWT was pleased to protect him, so that he was safe from every assassination attempt.