Let’s Do good deeds and good thoughts

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decorate people with good thoughts and do good deeds

Let’s Do good deeds and good thoughts

Remember Muslim friends, that life in this
world is only temporary, while the hereafter is eternal. Allah swt gives people
the opportunity to prepare provisions for life in the hereafter. Did you know
that life in this world is a field of charity for the afterlife. It’s a shame
if the opportunity to live in this world is not used properly. Later in the
hereafter they will regret not using the opportunity to live in this world to
increase their good deeds. Allah swt does not need good deeds from us, on the
contrary, we need them.

O smart generation of Muslims, every good
deed that you do will get a reward in the form of a reward from Allah swt. No
matter how small your deeds are, Allah swt will repay you fairly. Do not
underestimate pious deeds that seem small and simple, such as smiling when
meeting with friends or other people. Because the value of charity lies in its
sincerity, not a lot or a little. Meanwhile, the only one who knows the level
of sincerity is Allah swt. Instill in yourself the spirit to do good deeds.
Make yourself a person with noble character. Be kind to Allah swt, that Allah
swt will always protect His pious servants. 

Are you ready to always do good
deeds from now on?

Think about the many chaos and strife that
has resulted from prejudice. It’s really bad thinking is a despicable behavior
that we should avoid. Being kind will make our lives calm, comfortable, and
harmonious. Isn’t this everyone’s dream? Therefore, let’s get used to being
kind in everyday life.

Let’s understand about good deeds

Do you know what is meant by good deeds? To
know the meaning of good deeds, pay attention to the word of Allah swt in Q.S
al-‘Asr verses 2-3 “


The verse confirms that humans are indeed
in loss, except those who do four things, namely:

1. have faith in Allah swt,

2. to do good or good deeds,

3. to advise each other to the truth,

4. Advise each other for patience.

The word good deeds comes from the word
“amilus”, which is all actions that are beneficial to oneself or
others, and in accordance with rational reason, the Qur’an, and as-Sunnah.
Between faith and good deeds is a unity and cannot be separated. A person who
believes without good deeds followed, then his faith is meaningless. On the
other hand, pious deeds without being based on true faith will have no value in
the sight of Allah swt. Faith must be proven by good deeds and righteous deeds
must be based on true faith.

The opposite of pious deeds is sayyi’ah
charity, which is charity that brings harm to both the perpetrator and others.
It is indeed a loss for someone who does bad in this world, even though this
world is a field for the hereafter. Every good and bad deed, even though it is
very small, will still get a fair reward from Allah swt.

Have you ever seen your people or friends
give charity, but very little? Do not belittle or insult because of a little
deed. Because the value of a charity does not depend solely on how much or how
little it is, but also on its sincerity, while the value of a person’s
sincerity is only Allah swt who knows. Allah swt loves a servant who does good deeds
continuously even if it is little, indeed the best thing is to do a lot and be
sincere, and do it continuously.

O Muslim youth, know that there are three
kinds of good deeds, namely:

1. good deeds towards Allah swt. That is
carrying out His orders and leaving His prohibitions

2. Good deeds towards humans, namely
carrying out rights and obligations towards fellow human beings. Examples are
giving a smile, being friendly, speaking politely and helping the needy.

3. good deeds towards the natural environment,
namely preserving nature, for example, is throwing garbage in its place,
maintaining cleanliness, and doing reforestation.

In addition to these three good deeds,
there is a good deed called Jariyah. Charity Jariyah is an act of kindness that
is done sincerely by hoping for the pleasure of Allah swt and bringing rewards
for the perpetrator even though he has died. The reward of Charity Jariyah will
continue to flow as long as people who are still alive can still take advantage
of the results of the virtues that he left in the world.

The benefits of doing good deeds

People who do good deeds will benefit as

1. be given forgiveness and a great reward
from Allah swt

2. given additional instructions

3. given a good and decent life

Kindness or husnudzon is a commendable
behavior that must be possessed by Muslims. Laan from husnudzon is su’udzon or
prejudice. Prejudice is a despicable behavior that will bring harm, both to the
perpetrator and to others. Allah swt forbids prejudice, as He says in Q.S al-Hujurat
verse 12

O pious people, let us get used to being
kind in our daily lives. What are the forms of thinking? It is good to think
that there are three kinds, namely:

1. be kind to Allah swt. 

People who are
kind to Allah swt will always be grateful for all the pleasures from Him, and
be patient for all trials. Why should we be grateful to Allah swt? Because
Allah swt has given invaluable gifts and pleasures to humans. So people should
be grateful to Allah swt.

Then, why should we be patient against all trials?
Because Allah swt has perfect qualities and it is not possible for Allah swt to
want evil for His servants. Every test and trial from Allah is not meant to
hurt His servants, but to test obedience, faith, and patience.

2. be kind to yourself

Have you ever experienced difficulties in
life? If so, how do you deal with it? Someone who is kind to himself will have
an attitude of confidence, optimism, and work hard. On the other hand, someone
who thinks badly of himself will feel pessimistic, and lazy to try.

3. be kind to other people

As social beings, humans always need other
people. Other people around us must be treated with kindness, courtesy, mutual
love, and respect. Having a good attitude towards others will lead to harmony
in social life. Meanwhile, a bad attitude will only trigger division and

The benefits of being kind

A person who gets used to being kind will
get the following benefits:

1. life becomes calm and optimistic

2. believe that there is wisdom behind all
suffering and failure

3. to form a strong personality.

4. make a person firm in his stance because
it is not easy to accept bad influences from other people.

5. make someone creative

6. causes someone not to give up easily

7. Friendship and brotherhood relations are
getting better

8. Avoid regrets in relationships with

9. always happy and happy for the happiness
of others.