Rasulullah Suggests Close to Ulama, Here’s the Explanation

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Rasulullah Suggests Close to Ulama, Here's the Explanation


Muslimcreed.com – Associating with pious people or scholars
will provide many benefits to us as instructed by the Prophet Muhammad.

Association with scholars can be a sign
that we are also approaching piety that is blessed by Allah SWT. Moreover,
scholars are believed to be the heirs of the prophets.

Moreover, the scholars play an important
role as leaders of the people to continue and maintain the symbols and glory of

Rasulullah SAW advised us to associate with
people who understand religion (ulama), and experts of wisdom. Because it is
through them that the heart always lives in remembrance of Allah SWT.

Rasulullah SAW also ordered his people to
respect and honor the scholars. In fact, one of the three things that the
Prophet Muhammad was worried about is that Muslims will neglect and ignore the

Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani in his book
“Nashaiul Ibad” what is meant by the ulama is divided into three:

First, scholars are people who are experts
in understanding the laws of Allah SWT, and they are people who are competent
in proving fatwas. The scholars of this category are those who issue a lot of
legal fatwas.

Second, the punishment is that people who
know the substance of Allah ta’ala associating with them will make their morals
become educated, because from their hearts shine the light of knowing Allah and
in their souls refract the rays of the majesty of Allah.

Scholars who master the knowledge of the
Essence of Allah SWT (the science of makrifat). They are often called hukama,
namely scholars who focus on efforts to improve morality, both for themselves
and for others. That’s because their hearts are always shining by makrifatullah
and their souls are enlightened by the majesty of Allah SWT.

Third, the great clerics or clerics of
Kubara are people who are given the gift of both some scholars and clerics.

Associating with Ahlu-llah will bring good
behavior, because taking good advantage of direct contact is better than
verbally. So if someone’s supervision is beneficial for you, then his speech is
also beneficial (for you). On the other hand, if associating with him is not
beneficial for your face, then your speech will not benefit you.

Indeed, association with ahlullah (people
who are close to Allah SWT) will form a noble soul condition. In fact, their
glances are more useful than their words. So, anyone whose glance alone can
provide benefits, then his words must also provide benefits and vice versa.

It is said that Imam Suhrawardi had toured
several mosques in the Khaif area in the Mina area and he always looked at the
faces of everyone he met.

Then, he was asked about his attitude, and
he replied, “Indeed Allah SWT has servants who when they look at someone,
they will give him a sense of happiness. And that is what I hope for.”

The Prophet (SAW) said that a time will
come for my Ummah when they will run away from the scholars and jurists so that
Allah will send down three kinds of calamities on them, namely:

1. Allah removes blessings from their

2. Allah made unjust rulers for them; and

3. God took them out of this world without
bringing faith.