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Showing posts with the label Biography

Zainab Bint Ali (RA): A Life of History and Quotes

Muslim Creed - Zainab Bint Ali (RA) was the first child of Imam Hussain (RA) and his wife Zainab Bint Khuzaima (RA). She was named after her great-grandmother, Zainab Bint Ali (RA), the daughter o…

Bio of Imam Syafi'i, the Imam of the Institution with the Most Adherents in Indonesia

Muslimcreed - Imam Syafi'i is the Imam of the madhhab in Fiqh knowledge which is mainly complied with by Muslims in Indonesia. He is popular as the first formulator of the approach of Islamic leg…

Sayyid Ahmad Khan (1817-1898) - Character Biography

After the Mutiny disobedience in 1857, the British federal government ended up being progressively terrible in dealing with Muslims in India, they implicated Muslims as being the primary initiators…

Biography of Fazlur Rahman (1919-1988 AD)

Biography of Fazlur Rahman (1919-1988 AD) Fazlur Rahman is among the prominent liberal Muslim intellectuals and researchers of the 20th century. His concepts on contemporary Islamic beliefs to get to…

Biography of Imam Yahya Abi Zaidah, Author of the First Book in Kufa

Imam Yahya Abi Zaidah Biography of Imam Yahya Abi Zaidah There are always positive things that can be absorbed from the history and traces of the salaf scholars. His example and success in various f…