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Showing posts with the label story

The Love Story of Taubah and Laila al-Akhyaliyyah

Unsanctioned Love Until Both of them Go back to the lap of the Magnificent Muslimcreed.com (If Laila had welcomed me, and I had been protected with dirt and rocks. I would certainly have responded t…

The Story of Prophet Ibrahim Against Satan's Trick

Muslim creed  -  Human life that is natural, holy and noble is often a sunnah (rule) of Allah that in its journey it experiences various interruptions (distractions, temptations, challenges). This…

A short history of the city of Medina that you need to know

Muslim Creed The city of Medina is an extremely important place for the spread out of Islam on the planet. The history of the city of Medina or Medina Al Munawwarah, (also MadinatRasul Allah, Madīn…

The Story of Khalid bin Walid's Strategic Intelligence in the Mu'tah War by Ustadz Khalid Basalamah

Muslim creed  - Initially, Khalid bin Walid was the commander of the Quraysh. The most well-known thing is where the Quraysh troops, led by Khalid, faced the Muslims at the battle of Uhud. Even tho…

The story of the Prophet's Companions: Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal, the originator of the Dare to Die Army

Story Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal, the originator of the Dare to Die Army Creamah bin Amr bin Hisham is the son of the chief of Quraysh. His father was better known as Abu Jahal than …

The story of Ammar bin Yasir, Istiqomah Fruits Heaven

Yasir bin Amir was one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who converted to Islam in the early days of the Prophet's da'wah so that he was included in As-Sabiqun Al-Awwalun (First /…

The story of the Prophet Musa with Qarun

The Story of the Prophet Musa with Qarun  Muslimcreed - In the era of the Prophet Musa like, there were rich traders named Qarun. For some narration he is one of the prophet's brothers. Not only…

The story of the companions of the Prophet who married his daughter to an ordinary person rather than the rich

The story of the companions of the Prophet who married his daughter to an ordinary person rather than the rich Muslimcreed - One day, Uwaimir bin Malik al-Khazraji, also known as Abu Darda, had an en…

Islamic Story | When Guests and Hosts Scramble for Respect

Islamic Story: When Guests and Hosts Scramble for Respect With some friends, that day, Qais bin Sa'ad was on his way from Sham. Because of one or two things, Qais and friends finally stopped by…

Overnight at the House of Prospective Residents of Heaven

House of Prospective Residents of Heaven Muslimcreed - On the fourth day, Abdullah stalked the man who would be in heaven who was praised by the Prophet SAW. Prophet Muhammad SAW had various ways …

The Story of Abu Bakr Gets the Nickname Ash-Siddiq and Al-'Atiq

The Story of Abu Bakr Ra Muslim Creed - The story of Abu Bakr who was nick named Ash-Siddiq and Al-'Atiq is very interesting for Muslims to know. This can be a provision to be more pious to Alla…

The story of a Muslim who wants to repent

The story of a Muslim who wants to repent, then asks about shalat repentance, and the Muslim Creed website will answer questions and tell the story of that Muslim. The Muslim story is as follow…