The cause of the heart becomes restless

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The cause of the heart becomes restless


Muslimcreed – Every human being is inseparable from
various life problems that occur, whether it is a mild problem to a fairly
heavy problem. When a person is overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety, confusion,
and depression due to problems, it is a fairly natural thing experienced by

It becomes unnatural when the problems
faced for protracted are felt too deep which in the end makes the mind become
chaotic. Not only thoughts, the impact felt in a person will also affect mood
conditions that make him uneasy.

When the heart is not calm, there are many
ways that can be done to avoid this feeling, one of which is by practicing a
calming prayer.

Causes of Unsettled Heart

Before knowing what prayers are for calming
the heart, first know the nature of the heart of each person. In Arabic, the
heart comes from the word qalb which means something that can change or can be
said not to have a fixed position.

Human feelings always change depending on
conditions, maybe some time ago he was happy but soon turned into sad. It is
not uncommon for the heart to be restless because it is human nature to be
influenced by the atmosphere in which he feels. When the mood is not calm, a
person tends to feel life becomes bland, eats bad, sleeps badly, and so on.

It is important for you to anticipate some
things that trigger an uneasy heart. As for some things that cause the
emergence of various unpleasant feelings in humans are as follows.

1. Many Sins

Whether we realize it or not, humans are
creatures who are not free from mistakes and sins committed either through
speech or through behavior. Sin makes humans overshadowed by feelings of guilt
that make the heart feel restless and make life unhappy.

Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah, an Islamic scholar
said that “If you feel that your life has become strange because of the
sins you have committed, leave immediately and stay away from sins. The human
heart is restless because of sin.”

One of the sins that causes restlessness in
the heart is a lie. Someone who always lies in his words only makes his heart
uneasy because he has to think of ways to cover up the real truth.

Once a lie, then he will continue to say
not in accordance with the situation as it is because they have to cover it up
with other lies. Moreover, according to several studies, people who are anxious
and afraid will tend to tell lies to protect themselves and their own

The result is the emergence of feelings of
stress and health will also be disturbed because the function of certain hormones
in the body will increase.

2. Lack of gratitude

Allah gives everything to His servants in
the right amount, neither less nor more. When a person is given a trial in the
form of shortcomings in life, it is simply a way to elevate his status.

On the other hand, people who feel that
their lives are filled with advantages are a way to test how trustworthy people
are in using their strengths. Humans sometimes forget these things even though
there are many lessons behind the advantages and disadvantages in life.

Lack of gratitude for the circumstances
that have been given by God makes people feel always lacking for what they
already have. As a result, the heart becomes restless thinking about how to
achieve all its desires. This is what makes humans unable to feel calm in
living life.

3. Too Demanding

The next reason why the heart becomes
restless and unsettled is due to the many demands that must be met in living
life. It is certain that someone who always hopes that all his desires must be
fulfilled will be restless, because his mind is only focused on things that
make him happy.

Though he did not have sufficient ability
to achieve it. As a result, people will always feel restlessness and
restlessness in every activity, which in turn will interfere with concentration.

4. Too Loving The World

Excessive love in achieving something
worldly triggers humans to be uneasy in living life. For example, the desire to
get rich by any means keeps people from trying to work hard.

Humans will tend to do unjustified ways
such as robbing, stealing, or seizing other people’s property that is not their
right. Another common example is the act of corruption by irresponsible
individuals which indicates that they love the world too much.

The purpose of human life is not the world,
but eternal life in the afterlife so that the more people pursue the world, the
more they will lose the hereafter. Whereas in Islam it is taught that between
worldly life and the hereafter, both must be carried out in balance.

5. Hope Not in Allah

Allah always gives what his servant asks
for as long as he wants to work hard and pray. However, humans sometimes forget
God when they have a desire and instead hope for their fellow human beings.
When the expected desire does not come, humans will feel disappointed and hurt.

This is what is felt by those who do not
want to hope in Allah, even though Allah will provide it. In fact, when he
relies on Him for everything, feelings of sadness, disappointment, and anxiety
will not be felt because they can be proud to accept the provisions.

Examples of people who do not hope in Allah
are those who want wealth by misguided ways such as pesugihan or visiting
shamans. Apart from not complying with the provisions of the Shari’a, these
methods will only bring harm because their lives will not be calm.

There will be many things that must be
sacrificed in return for what has been obtained or in other words, that is
sacrifice. Therefore, the wealth that might be obtained does not make the heart
calm and instead is filled with feelings of sin.